RTC-DO Software Module

RTC-DO Software Module

Product Number: LXZ530 (B)

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Do you need to manage DO in multiple zones at once?

Whether your biological wastewater treatment plant has large basins, multiple lanes, sequencing batch reactors, carousels or cascades, you need to be certain whether your dissolved oxygen data is revealing load change that needs attention or a measuring inconsistency. If you’re only monitoring DO in a single location or periodically throughout the day, you may not have adequate information to take action when action is necessary.

Enjoy the benefits of real-time dissolved oxygen monitoring in up to 16 zones with Hach’s RTC-DO Software. Each aerated zone is equipped with an actor (e.g. surface aerator, blower, or control valve) and a dedicated DO sensor that work together to control the DO concentration to a desired setpoint. Depending on your plant’s configuration, each independently controlled zone may be programmed to same or different setpoints.

Claros Process Management solutions for nitrification/denitrification like RTC-DO are designed to make the most of your plant’s real-world conditions by transforming every uncertainty into an opportunity for measurement, responsive action, and savings.


Cost savings

Blowers are activated only when necessary, minimizing energy use.

Enhances other nitrification/denitrification processes

RTC-DO can be easily combined with other nitrification/denitrification modules for maximum benefit.

Increased treatment capacity

Load-based aeration ensures that MLSS spends no more time than necessary in the ASP, speeding up the treatment process compared to a fixed system.

Enables RTC-N to be used to full potential

Setpoints from RTC-N are sent to RTC-DO for implementation.
